
See also our Research page 

Black Carbon: A Triple Threat

Project Drawdown

Project Drawdown, Reducing Black Carbon Report

Project Drawdown is the world’s leading resource for climate solutions. Their mission is to help the world stop climate change—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible. To do this, Project Drawdown employs three strategies:

  • Advance Effective, Science-based Climate Solutions and Strategies to cut through the noise and find effective “whole system” solutions and strategies for stopping climate change.

  • Foster Bold, New Climate Leadership. They inform, inspire, and empower business leaders, investors, and philanthropists to take bold, new positions, act more strategically, and rapidly bring climate solutions to scale.

  • Promote New Narratives and New Voices. Shifting the conversation about climate change from “doom and gloom” to “possibility and opportunity”, while elevating new, underrepresented climate heroes through storytelling and “passing the mic.”

In a groundbreaking report, Project Drawdown scientists take a comprehensive look at the sources of and solutions to black carbon (soot). The new report identifies which regions and sectors are most polluting and outlines what solutions will have the biggest impact in reducing black carbon and therefore improving human well-being.