BOOKs & Articles
action for Climate Empowerment
Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow
This guide explores how galleries, libraries, archives and museums can support the all-of-society and public-facing aspects of the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement, and the new Glasgow Work Programme on Action for Climate Empowerment, adopted at COP26 in November 2021. The latest guide in the Curating Tomorrow series.
Living with the Anthropocene: Love, Loss & Hope in the Face of environmental crisis
Cameron Muir, Kirsten Wehner & Jenny Newell (editors), NewSouth Books, Sydney, Australia.
In this powerful and moving book, some of Australia's best-known writers and thinkers — as well as ecologists, walkers, farmers, historians, ornithologists, artists and community activists — come together to reflect on what it is like to be alive during an ecological crisis. They build a picture of a collective endeavour towards a culture of care, respect, and attention as the physical world changes around us.
NewSouth Books, October 2020
Arts hub “Experts say our galleries and museums need to become greener” 21 June
Gina Fairly
Climate – and the responsibility and advocacy role that museums and galleries play in shifting and shaping views – was a topic for discussion among industry peers at the 2021 Australian Museums and Galleries Association Conference in Canberra.
“From Information to Imagination: The Role of Museums in Tackling Climate Change”
Georgina McDowell
MA Thesis, University of Amsterdam (Graduate School of Humanities), Amsterdam, 2019.
Museums and the sustainable development goals
Henry McGhie
Curating Tomorrow is a consultancy for museums and the heritage sector, helping them draw on their unique resources to enhance their contributions to society and the natural environment, the Sustainable Development Goals, climate action and nature conservation. Curating Tomorrow also applies the museum-based skill of curating to thinking about and addressing real-world challenges, not necessarily involving museums or museum collections.
ya novelists are starting to see the importance of including climate change in literature:
D.G. Driver: The Juniper Sawfeather Trilogy
This series is about a teen environmental activist who discovers mythical creatures tied to her American Indian heritage during her efforts to protect the natural world.
Edan Lepucki: There’s no place like home
In a climate-ravaged future, it’s not easy to grow up. One girl is trying her best in a story about global catastrophe and personal chaos.
Edan Lepucki’s There’s No Place Like Home is part of Warmer, a collection of seven visions of a conceivable tomorrow by today’s most thought-provoking authors. Alarming, inventive, intimate, and frightening, each story can be read, or listened to, in a single breathtaking sitting.
Editor: V. Ramanathan. Co-Editors: Adam Millard-Ball; Michelle Niemann; Scott Friese.
Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions
Ramanathan, V., University of California, 2019.
As part of a University of California climate education effort led by UC San Diego climate scientist V. Ramanathan, this textbook explains climate change solutions in a clear and accessible way. The book shows how environmental justice and the environmental humanities are central to confronting climate change. It advocates social movements to push for implementation of the solutions we already have, from policies and market instruments to technologies and ecosystem restoration. This free digital textbook is an open educational resource (OER) published by the Regents of the University of California under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0).
Cooper, Ashley.
Images from a Warming Planet
ISBN: 978-1-5262-0592-6
Replacing One Evil With Another?
Article on: Assessing the effectiveness of the plastic bag ban in Australia (1 Sep 2018)
Climate Outreach's important, accessible report:
Report: Climate Communications in Practice: How are we engaging the UK public? (27 Nov 2018)
Article on fostering climate change engagement through exhibitions Becker, Julie. 'Getting Unstuck: New paths to engage audiences with big issues', Spokes, no. 47.
Daly, Cathy, Jane Downes, William Megarry. ‘Cultural Heritage has a lot to teach us about Climate Change’, Heritage Daily, 16 October 2018.
Leal Filho, Walter; Evangelos Manolas; Anabela Marisa Azul; Ulisses M. Azeiteiro; Henry McGhie (editors). Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 3 Case Studies in Climate Change Communication. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2018.
Capstick, Stuart, Sarah Hemstock, Ruci Senikula. "Perspectives of artist–practitioners on the communication of climate change in the Pacific", International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 10 Issue: 2.
Janes, Robert R. Museums and Climate Change Activism, The Beam no. 6, 2018.
Newell, J., Libby Robin and Kirsten Wehner (editors). Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change, Routledge Environmental Humanities, 2016. - A volume presenting essays and object essays by a number of members of the Museums and Climate Change Network.
Cameron, Fiona & Brett Neilson (editors). Climate Change and Museum Futures, Routledge: NY & London, 2015
Before 2010:
Unfold: a cultural response to climate change
Buckland, David & Chris Wainwright (editors). (Springer. 2010. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-7091-0220-6)
Profiles the work of the artists in the ‘Unfold’ exhibition and also proposes a number of creative and innovative responses to climate change aimed at stimulating discourse and a wider engagement with the climate debate.
Museums in a troubled world: Renewal, irrelevance or collapse
Janes, Robert R. (Routledge: NY & London, 2009)
The iniquities of climate change & the small island experience.
Barker, Holly (Pulse of the Planet,, 2008)
Books from the Climarte website Resource Library
Brown, Andrew. Art & Ecology Now.
Evans, Mel. Artwash: Big Oil and the Arts.
Buckland, David. Burning Ice: Art and Climate Change (Cape Farewell project)
Christoff, Peter (ed.). Four Degrees of Global Warming: Australia in a hot world.
Siegel, Dimitri, & Edward MorrisGreen Patriot Posters: Images for a New Activisim.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, In the Balance: Art for a Changing World,
Weintraub, Linda. To Life! Eco Art in Pursuit of a Sustainable Planet.